2001 - Dan Cobb 62-64 poses with his daughter at her graduation. I'll bet that
he doesn't let her get near any submarine sailors (Cobb) (c01c0449). |  2003 - IC2(SS) Chick McAleer (68-70) in his whites cut the cake at our 2005 reunion (McAleer)
|  2005 - Orem A. "Soupy" Campbell EN2(SS) 49-52 performs memorial services in
Florida for sub vets that have departed on Eternal Patrol (Campbell) (c05c0898). |
 Reunion 2001 - Bob & Joan Rourk (64-66) (Brooks) (r01b0539).
|  Reunion 2001 - L to R (back row) Bob Rourk, Richard Kala, ?, and Larry Eickmeier.
(front row) Curtis Brooks, Gerald Smith, and ? (Brooks) (r01b0547).
|  Reunion 2001 - ?, Bob & Joan Rourk, ?, and ? (Brooks) (r01b0568).
 Reunion 2001 - Joan Rourk, Gerald Smith, and ? (Brooks) (r01b0571).
|  Reunion 2001 - Send the names to Stan (Brooks) (r01b0574).
|  Reunion 2001 - Mr B helps to sort photos and identify faces (D'Orso) (r01d0405). |
 Reunion 2001 - "T.J." Parker and Bob McGinn (D'Orso) (r01d0408). |  Reunion 2001 - Clara Guerin volunteered a lot of time and help in the
Dolphin Store. Her husband is Prime Guerin MoMM2(SS) 45-46 (Kiel) (r01k0351). |  Reunion 2001 - (L to R) QM3(SS) Lynn Moore 66-69, EN2(SS) Francis Daigle 68-70,
IC2(SS) Chick McAleer 68-70, EN3(SS) Larry Hendrix 66-69, and TM2(SS)
Billy Taylor 67-71 (McAleer) (r01m0453).
 Reunion 2001 - (L to R) IC1(SS) Bob "Mac" McGinn 59-66, LT George (with
the best sea story) Barnette 61-64, LT Dick Kiel (standing) 59-63, LCDR
Jim D'Orso 62-64, LT Thurman Eichman 62-64, and EM2(SS) Larry Curtis
61-63 (J. D'Orso) (r01o0452).
|  Individual year group pictures at reunion 2001 (Murn) (r01p0207) |  Reunion 2001 - Stanley Stiles 69-70 and Chuck Downs 68-71 (Rainwater) (r01r0306). |