Reunion Pictures

2001 - Gerry Bultmann TM3(SS) in the after room of USS Bowfin at Pearl (Bultmann) (c01b0391).

2002 - CDR M. E. "Linn" Young, Commanding Officer 68-70. Linn departed on Eternal Patrol in Aug 2005. (Young) (c02y0497). .

2003- Dan Cobb 62-64 proudly displays CHIVO memorbilia on his office walls (Cobb) (c03c0648).

2003 - QM3(SS) Danny Wright (71) now lives in Michigan and will serve you King Salmon if you drop by to visit (Wright) (c03w0717).

Reunion 2001 - Richard & Lorraine Kala (64-66) (Brooks) (r01b0549).

Reunion 2001 - Send the names to Stan (Brooks) (r01b0573).

Reunion 2001 - Gerald Smith 65-66 (Brooks) (r01b0576).

Reunion 2001 - Weren't you the one that... (D'Orso) (r01d0407).

Reunion 2001 - (L to R) Bob "Mac" McGinn (59-66) from Cheboygen, MI and George Barnette (61-65) from Charleston, SC "...and then, Mac, this fish jumped into the boat and he must have been this long..." (Kiel) (r01k0271).

Reunion 2001 - YN3(SS) Thomas "Tommy" Bergin (61-62) from Holtsville, NY. The photo captures Tommy doing his best Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill imitation (Kiel) (r01k0274).

Reunion 2001 - The early 60's crew - (L to R)(top row) Ede, Strickland, Skryness, Shute, Landherr, Moore, Kleintank, Rapp, Bergin, Cobb, and Ziegler. (bottom row) Curtis, Nixon, J. Smith, Scott, Strong, Grady, Bonville, Barnette, Ehney, McGinn, Parker, Kiel, Lockwood, Turner, Morris, Kelley, Ellis, and Beane. Contact George Lockwood or Stan if you can identify the two unknowns (Lockwood) (r01l0468).

Individual year group pictures at reunion 2001 (Murn) (r01p0206)

2001 - Mike Rainwater doing his famous dance of the veils with Chivo's Jack and Pennants (Rainwater) (r01r0311).

Reunion 2001 - Art & Sheila Dunn, Virginia & Linn Young, and Brent Taylor at the reunion banquet (Rainwater) (r01r0313).

Reunion 2001 - Chuck Downs, Willie Taylor, Mike Rainwater, Danny Wright, and Doug Plummer on liberty today (Rainwater) (r01r0316).

Reunion 2001 - Sheila Grey, Larry & Marlena Hendrix (66-69), and David Grey (69-71) (Rainwater) (r01r0319).

Reunion 2001 - Willie Taylor (67-71) says he has some great ideas about proper dress for the next reunion (Rainwater) (r01r0322).

Reunion 2001 - Jeter Brock and the Indian, Mike Rainwater (Rainwater) (r01r0329).