June 2000 - TM3(SS) George "Bart" Lockwood 61-63 and Lynn (Lockwood) (c00l0489). |  Orville E. "Ollie" Horton 50-52 with his wife in 2002 (C. Davis) (c02d0487). |  2002 - TN(SS) Serafin N. "Penny" Moreno 69-70 (Moreno) (c02m0499).
 2002- EM2 Perry E. Rodebaugh, 1952, Eternal Patrol April 21, 2002 (Rodebaugh) (c02r0498).
|  2003 - EM3(SS) Jim Zimmerman 59-61 at sea today (Zimmerman) (c03z0609).
|  May 2000 - David Grey & Stan Pollard (Grey) (r00g0044). |
 Reunion 2001 - Joan Rourk & Doris Brooks (Brooks) (r01b0540).
|  Reunion 2001 - ?, Joan & Bob Rourk (64-66), and Dan Cobb (62-64) (Brooks) (r01b0569).
|  Reunion 2001 - Gerald Smith (65-66) (Brooks) (r01b0575).
 Reunion 2001 - Qualification check outs (D'Orso) (r01d0406). |  Reunion 2001 - (L to R) Jim Landherr (62-64) (Waukesha, WI), Dan Cobb (62-64)(Tega Cay, SC), George
Moore (61-63), and George Lockwood (61-63)(Sarasota, FL) (Kiel) (r01k0270). |  Reunion 2001 - Ann and Earl Kelley (62-64) from Montgomery, AL (Kiel) (r01k0273). |
 Reunion 2001 - Joanne Hedum (Kiel) (r01k0352). |  Reunion 2001 - (L to R)(back row) Armbruster, Stiles, Daigle, Hendrix, Moore, Toney.
(front row) Cecil, Dunn, McAleer, Welborn (McAleer) (r01m0454).
|  Reunion 2001 - "Show & Tell" brought out many fine souvenirs
and some great sea stories. All of them true! (Rainwater) (r01r0314). |
 Reunion 2001 - Jean & Chick McAleer 68-70 (Rainwater) (r01r0318). |  Reunion 2001 - The reunion was not all fun and games. Key members,
like Chuck Downs, put on their thinking caps and started planning
the next reunion (Rainwater) (r01r0321). |  Reunion 2001 - Forward Battery table # 4 (Rainwater) (r01r0333). |