Reunion Pictures

In Sept 2000 a 20 to 25 man "working party" gathered in Charleston to discuss the possibilities of a big reunion. At that time we had no idea how big it would get (Wright) (r00w0310).

Reunion 2001 - Send the names to Stan (Brooks) (r01b0544).

Reunion 2001 - Gerald Smith 65-66 (Brooks) (r01b0554).

Reunion 2001 - Thurman Eichman (62-64) and Richard Kala (64-66) (Brooks) (r01b0560).

Reunion 2001 - Send the names to Stan (Brooks) (r01b0564).

Reunion 01 - Erv Schoessel, Dan Cobb, Paul Burdelsky, Chick McAleer, Stan Pollard, and Winton "Hoppy" Hewitt prepare to lead the memorial service. (Stoops) (r01s0222).

Reunion 2001 - After Battery table #10 (Stoops) (r01s0290).

Reunion 2001 - The hospitality suite was packed for "Show and Tell," and only 100% truthful sea stories were told (Strickland) (r01s0464).

Reunion 2001 - "Show and Tell" "... and this was Chivo's underway colors (Taylor) (r01t0296).

Reunion 2001 - Stan ordered in the finest weather for our reunion (Whitney) (r01w0281).

Reunion 2001 - (L to R) Gino D'Angelo (47-49), Sherman Creson (48-49), unknown, unknown, John Hagen (47-49), and unknown - send the other names to Stan if you can (Whitney) (r01w0287).

2002 - Jack and Sylvia Bertram 60-62 at the Chasn mini-reunion for the 60's crew (Brooks) (r02b0521).

60's Mini-Reunion - Chasn 2002 - Doris & Curtis Brooks (64-66) (Brooks) (r02b0530).

2003 Norfolk Reunion - Liz Segars and Dan Cobb (62-64) in front of the MacArthur Memorial (Cobb) (r03c0689).

Reunion 2003 - The Williamsburg tour during our reunion in 2003 (Hedum) (r03h1084).

Reunion 2003 - Welcome board outside the hospitality suite (McAleer) (r03m0691).

Reunion 2005 - Orem A. "Soupy" Campbell EN2(SS) 49-52 made this knot board and is donating it for the Myrtle Beach reunion raffle / auction (Campbell) (r05c0900).

Reunion 2005 - Springmaid Beach postcard (Pollard) (r05p0791).