1953 - USS CHIVO moored in the Panama Canal Zone (Hedum) (b53h0744). |  1953 - CHIVO entering the locks in Panama. Notice the locomotive "mule"
used to move ships through the locks (Hedum) (b53h0745). |  1953 - CHIVO inside one of the locks in Panama (Hedum) (b53h0746). |
 Early 50's - Garbage collectors in Kingston, Jamaica (Hedum) (b53h0747). |  1953 - Looking aft from Chivo with the tender in the background as the
training sub SST-1 approaches (Norton) (b53n0194). |  Chivo with a step sail, circa 1953 (Rainwater) (b53r0030). |
 Chivo with a step sail, circa 1953 (Mike Rainwater) (b53r0098). |  Swim Call 1953 - TM3(SS) Daniel Doar (52-56) (Hedum) (c53h0754). |  Swim Call 1953 (Hedum) (c53h0755). |
 Swim Call 1953 - (in front) TM2(SS) John Hedum (52-56) and YN3(SS) Richard
Reitz (53-56) (Hedum) (c53h0756). |  1953 - (L to R) SO3(SS) Robert Cannon (52-56), YN3(SS) Richard Reitz (53-56),
SN(SS) Richard Shafer (52-54), and EM3(SS) James Morris (51-54) (Hedum) (c53h0757). |  1953 - (L to R) FN(SS) Sal Salerno (52-53) and QM3(SS) Paul Lopez
(52-56) in Chivo's maneuvering room (c53l1167) (Lopez). |
 1953 - TM3(SS) Daniel Doar (52-56) in Chivo's forward torpedo room
(c53l1169) (Lopez). |  1953 - QM3(SS) Paul Lopez (52-56) on board USS Sennet (SS-408)
(c53l1170) (Lopez). |  Key West 1953 - Dean Haney, Dick Reitz, & John Hedum (Norton) (c53n0073). |
 1953 - George Cunningham hitting the beach in Ft. Lauderdale (Norton) (c53n0074). |  1953 - Dick Reitz (Norton) (c53n0075). |  1954 - Richard Weene on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale, shortly after returning from Panama (Norton) (c53n0076). |
 1953 - Transiting Panama - (L to R) YN3(SS) Henry Weber (52-54, unknown, and TM2(SS) John Hedum (52-56) (Norton) (c53n0077). |  Panama 1953 - Dean Haney & Ziggy Zwiler (Norton) (c53n0078). |  ET2(SS) Charles Davis (50-53) has a classy Ney York license plate (Davis) (m06d1116). |