October 1947 - Near Saipan - Chivo puts one torpedo into a derlict LST
then sets it on fire with 5" gun fire (Hagen)(b47h0168). |  1947 - Chivo moors in Guam (Hagen)(b47h0169). |  Sept 15, 1947 - Chivo at Suva, Fiji (Reedy)(b47r0154). |
 October 1947 - Joe Green CS1 Chivo's gun captain firing upon a derelict LST near Saipan.
The LST was towed out of Tanapag harbor for use as a torpedo practice target. When
torpedoes failed to sink the vessel an attempt was made to sink it with shell fire from
the 5"x45 gun on the after deck. Joe Green has given the order to fire and turned away
from the noise of the blast. I believe the person at the trainer position was Augie Marra.
(Boberick)(c47b0017) |  1947 - Beach party at Suva, Fiji (Harvey)(c47h0107). |  1947 - Beach party at Suva, Fiji (Harvey) (c47h0108). |
 1947 - Beach party at Suva, Fiji (Harvey)(c47h0109). |  1947 - Beach party at Suva, Fiji (Harvey) (c47h0111). |  1947 - Beach party at Suva, Fiji (Harvey)(c47h0112). |
 1947 - Arriving Suva, Fiji (Heinzman)(c47h0148). |  1947 - FN(SS) Michael Ganey (Reedy)(c47r0152). |  1946 - MoMM3(SS) Andrew Wallo in Honolulu (Reedy)(c47r0153). |
 1947 - Suva - Jim Reedy and two Fiji police (Reedy)(c47r0162). |  1946-47 (Ken Sather)(c47s0025). |  1947 - Chivo liberty card (Boberick) (m47b0018). |
 20 Sept 1947 - Two employees of the Suva, Fiji Water Dept. come to the
pier on Saturday morning to offer their "Bon Voyage to Chivo (Boberick) (m47b0469). |  1947 - Suva, Fiji (Harvey) (m47h0110). |  1947 - Port visit Suva, Fiji (Hagen) (m47h0143). |