Chivo, circa 1946 (Don Boberick)(b46b0095). |  Chivo's aft 40 MM gun mount - taken in Pearl in 1946 while she still had her original decks (Bultmann)(b46b0378). |  1946 - Note the empty rocket launchers on Chivo's forward deck. A large cliff on the island Molakai had been used for a target, but Chivo's rockets missed by a mile. In frustration, the skipper had the 5 inch 25 gun crew
put a couple of rounds in the target before securing from that embarrassment. According to Gerry Bultmann, the only real damage the rocket launchers ever caused was to break a chief's leg (Bultmann)(b46b0389). |
 1946 - Underway from Pearl Harbor to Subic Bay (Bultmann)(b46b0390). |  1946 - USS CHIVO arriving in San Diego (Harrigan)(b46h1038). |  1946 - USS CHIVO has just arrived in pearl from Subic. The diving tower
is in the background (Harrigan)(b46h1074). |
 1946 (Left to Right) Durrant, Demarsche, Behrens (Bultman)(c46b0020). |  1946 (Left to Right) GM2(SS) Bartorelli, TM3(SS) Bultmann (Bultmann)(c46b0023). |  1946 (Left to Right)
top row ?,?
3rd row ?, ETM1 Elles, SN Clark
2nd row ST1 Green
front row SN Kingston, CS3 Germain, RM2 Brooks
(Bultmann) (c46b0024) |
 1946 - Moored alongside the tender in San Diego - Gerry Bultmann TM3(SS) has only one week left
before going home (Bultmann)(c46b0379). |  1946 - Ralph Bartorelli GM2(SS) poses topside on the Puffer - "Flag Ship" and a highly decorated submarine in
Chivo's squadron at Pearl (Bultmann)(c46b0380). |  1946 - Lovers ? (L to R) FN(SS) Richard Nelson and RM3(SS) James
Morrison (Harrigan)(c46h1029). |
 1946 - Robert Harrigan and George Meidlinger (Harrigan)(c46h1031). |  1946 - S/1c James "Brownie" Brown (Plankowner) on lookout (Harrigan)(c46h1032). |  1946 - The CHIVO crew's watering hole in San Diego. It also
served as their home address when on leave (Harrigan)(c46h1035). |
 1946 - The CHIVO crew also hung out at The Gay Nineties club in San Diego. Robert Harrigan on
the left (Harrigan)(c46h1036). |  1946 - USS CHIVO crew. Robert Harrigan is first man on left standing in front of the
deck gun (Harrigan)(c46h1040). |  1946 - ET2(SS) John Lenton and MoMM1(SS) William Reitz (Harrigan)(c46h1043). |
 1946 - MoMM2(SS) George Meidlinger, Plankowner, looking out over the east
end of the bay (Harrigan)(c46h1067). |  1946 - CS3(SS) Devaughn "Red" Wilder leans on CHIVO's 5" gun mount
in Pearl Harbor (Harrigan)(c46h1073). |  Circa 1945/46 - Brass torpedo tube tag from CHIVO (Bultmann) (m46b0506). |