09 Reunion Pics pg 6
Bobby and Brenda Hester (67-68) at our 09 Chivo reunion. (r09m1346) (McAleer).
Mermaid Judy had lots of nice things to sell at our 09 reunion. (r09m1347) (McAleer).
Richard Kala (64-66) and Pat "Mackey" McCollum (64-70). (r09m1355) (McAleer).
QM1(SS) William Dixon, Jr. (46-47). (r09m1363) (McAleer).
Roy Van Dyne (60-62). (r09m1366) (McAleer).
Jan Moore and Larry Hendrix (66-69). (r09m1369) (McAleer).
Bill Elrod (68-69) shows off his submarine vest. (r09m1382) (McAleer).
Bill Elrod (68-69) shows off his submarine vest. (r09m1383) (McAleer).
The North Myrtle Beach High School NJROTC unit arrives to be our Memorial Service Color Guard. (r09m1393) (McAleer).
The Chivo crew gathers for our Memorial Service to remember departed shipmates. (r09m1394) (McAleer).
The 2009 Memorial Service readers (L to R) Paul Lopez (52-56), Sherrell Wolgamuth (53-56), Stan Stiles (69-70), Winton Hewitt (53-56), and Jim Wilson (55-57). (r09m1395) (McAleer).
The 2009 Memorial Service starts with presenting the colors and the Pledge of Allegiance. (r09m1396) (McAleer).
Stan Pollard opens the 2009 Memorial Service with some words of remembrance. (r09m1397) (McAleer).
The 2009 Memorial Service. (r09m1398) (McAleer).
Paul Lopez reads the names of crew members on Eternal Patrol. After each reader the bell was tolled in their memory. (r09m1399) (McAleer).
Sherrell Wolgamuth reads the names of crew members on Eternal Patrol. After each reader the bell was tolled in their memory. (r09m1400) (McAleer).
Stan Stiles reads the names of crew members on Eternal Patrol. After each reader the bell was tolled in their memory. (r09m1401) (McAleer).
Winton Hewitt reads the names of crew members on Eternal Patrol. After each reader the bell was tolled in their memory. (r09m1402) (McAleer).
Jim Wilson reads the names of crew members on Eternal Patrol. After each reader the bell was tolled in their memory. (r09m1403) (McAleer).
Stan Pollard reads the names of crew members on Eternal Patrol. After each reader the bell was tolled in their memory. (r09m1404) (McAleer).
The 2009 Memorial Service closes with Taps, played by Don Fay of the Myrtle Beach Viet Nam Veterans Post 925. (r09m1405) (McAleer).