Reunion 09 - Chivo's model waits to be raffled off. In the past the model has belonged to George Yevchinecz (49-52), Jeter Brock (68-71), and Alonzo "Swampy" Marsh (69-70). (r09m1307) (McAleer). |  Reunion 09 - Chick McAleer (68-70) and Willie Taylor (67-71) man the rail. (r09m1312) (McAleer). |  Reunion 09 - William Dixon (46-47) comes to every reunion. (r09m1314) (McAleer). |
 Reunion 09 - Richard Kala (64-66) admires John Hill's (56-59) submarine vest. (r09m1315) (McAleer). |  Reunion 09 - Frank and Sharon Virgin (66-68). (r09m1326) (McAleer). |  Reunion 09 - Herb and Shirley Neilson (69-71). (r09m1327) (McAleer). |
 Reunion 09 - Becky & Stan Stiles (69-70) and Jackie Toney (69-70). (r09m1328) (McAleer). |  Reunion 09 - Tom Dean talks with Brent Taylor. Both were onboard Chivo 1968-70. (r09m1329) (McAleer). |  Reunion 09 - John Hedum and Paul Lopez both served onboard Chivo in 1952-56. Is Paul double timing on the beer? (r09m1330) (McAleer). |
 Reunion 09 - (L to R) David Scott (63-65), Richard Kala (64-66), and William & Trish Tallant (64-67). (r09m1333) (McAleer). |  Reunion 09 - Don Morris (63-66) and Pat "Mackey" McCollum. (r09m1336) (McAleer). |  Reunion 09 - "T.J." Parker (62-68) and Joe Magee (64-65) kick off the Chivo auction. (r09m1339) (McAleer). |
 2009 Reunion - Stan Pollard (68-71) talks to our Memorial Service bugler, Don Fay of the Vietnam Veterans of America, post 925. (Plourd) (r09p1276). |  2009 Reunion - (L to R) Bill Elrod (68-69) and P.O. Melton (64-70) get together. (Plourd) (r09p1277). |  2009 Reunion - (L to R) Jack Cooper (56-57), Lawrence Brown (54-56), John Hedum (52-56), and K.C. "Moon" Mullins (54-56) swap sea stories over pizza. (Plourd) (r09p1278). |
 Reunion 09 - (L to R) Chris Taylor, June Siscel, and Harriet & Mike Kemp. Bonifacio Cleto (68-69) is standing behind them. (r09p1284) (Plourd). |  Reunion 09 - (L to R) Brent Taylor (68-70), Robert Kuphal (64-66), Tom Dean (68-70), and K.C. "Moon" Mullins (54-56) look over Chivo picture books. June Siscel, and Harriet and Mike Kemp. (r09p1285) (Plourd). |  Reunion 2009 - (L to R) Back row - Thomas Miller, Paul Lopez, Loren Jacobsen, "Moon" Mullins, Winton Hewitt, Lawrence Brown, and Jim Swift. Front row - James Wilson, Rey Plourd, and Sherrell Wolgamuth. (r09p1289) (Plourd). |
 Reunion 2009 - Willard Siscel (68-70). In the background is Stan Stiles, Doug Johnson, and Jackie Toney. (r09p1291) (Plourd). |  Reunion 09 - Ladies Luncheon - ( L to R ) Joanne Hedum, Barbara Plourd, and Janet Fullerton (Pollard) ( r09p1297 ). |  Reunion 09 - Ladies Luncheon - Mermaid Judy (Pollard) ( r09p1298 ). |