Newsletter #110 – March 2025  

USS CHIVO (SS-341) All Hands Newsletter

Reunion Pictures

Francis Daigle (68-70), Loren Jacobsen (55-57) and Mike Rainwater (69-71) sent me pictures of our 2024 reunion. They are posted on this web site. If you have additional pictures, send them to me, and I will post them. Also a few pictures don’t have names, so if you know the unnamed individuals, please send me their names.

Reunion Plans

Bob Bernhardt (1971), organization president, suggested that our next reunion should be shorter, probably 3 days, and in Myrtle Beach in 2026. No one has been selected to research, plan and host the reunion.

U-Boats in World War II

In my last newsletter I wrote about the best and worst torpedoes in World War II. I limited my discussion to the best and the worst, because you could write books about all the other types of torpedos. For example: the Germans had patterns built into some of their torpedoes to make circles or reverse course and zig-zag. If the torpedo did not hit a ship initially, it would then go to the “pattern program” with the probability that it would hit something in a 50–60 ship convoy.

So the question arose, if there was a best and a worst torpedo in WW II, was there a best and worst type of submarine? That’s almost an impossible question to answer, because u-boats operating in the Atlantic faced vastly different operating conditions, doctrine and challenges from the conditions submarines faced in the Pacific. For example: The allies used a very effective convoy system, while the Japanese did not. Likewise, anti-submarine air patrols were much more effective in the Atlantic. Bottom line, I could not devise an effective scale to judge the best and worst types of submarines. But I did uncover some interesting comparisons. Here are some basics:

In summary

Two huge factors that I did not discuss were doctrine and training. Maybe in the next newsletter.

* * * From The Quartermaster's Notebook * * *

Eternal Patrol . . .  Recently we learned that the following shipmates have passed away:

Binnacle List . . .   These shipmates are facing some serious challenges:

* * * Current Chivo Board Members * * *


Bob Bernhardt (71 Decom)

Vice President

Doug Plummer (68-70)


Bob Kuphal (64-66)


VACANT - Stan Pollard acting

Reunion Director


Communications Director

Stan Pollard (68-71 Decom)

The mission of the CHIVO Reunion Organization is:

  1. to perpetuate the memory of our shipmates and their deeds, to promote good fellowship and comradeship, and to pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America.

  2. to participate in activities that foster recognition of the contributions made by  members of all Armed Forces and their families, both Past and Present, that uphold the spirit of the Declaration of Independence.

  3. to provide aid and comfort to service members in need.

We have no dues, and we have a lot of fun!

USS CHIVO (SS-341) Reunion Organization
All Hands Newsletter #110 – March 2025

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